An ACT exam (MCQs based) is given by students applying to graduate programs at American universities and colleges. As part of the admissions procedure, colleges and universities take the ACT exam to assess a student’s abilities.
To get your study going, you must also inform yourself about the average ACT score. Along with the exam’s syllabus and format. This is what this blog is all about. Here we dwell at length on the tips to boost ACT reading scores for top universities abroad.
What does the ACT Reading Test entail?
The ACT tests evaluate students’ understanding and analyze written texts, including passages from a variety of disciplines, including prose fiction, social science, the natural sciences, and the humanities. The number of right answers out of 40 questions determines the Reading score, which ranges from 1 to 36.
There are four 800-word reading passages on the ACT. After each reading, you will respond to 10 questions that will test your understanding. Both the meanings that the text directly articulated and those that it also implied.

What Is the ACT Score on Average?
The assessment of how well students who submitted their papers on the same day performed uses the average ACT Reading score.
The ACT rates each subject area on a scale of 1 to 36. Instead of losing points for inaccurate responses, students earn no credit for them instead earn credit for the right answers. A maximum score of 36 is achievable in the ACT exam, with each part of the exam being scored out of a possible 36 points. The four section scores are added together to create the ACT composite score.
Almost all four-year colleges consider ACT scores under 15 to be low. Low test results can be overcome with a strong GPA or a strong college application. However, even if you are admitted, the school can want you to enroll in some remedial classes.

The following is how the ACT Reading scores are determined:
ACT determines the scores by recording the number of accurate responses on each test. Incorrect answers are not penalized.
ACT converts the total number of accurate responses into scale scores.
Scale scores are then averaged and rounded to the nearest whole number to establish a composite score.
The chosen colleges receive both the composite score and the individual section scores in the registration form.
The ACT’s composite score ranges from 20 to 21, on average.
Tips to Boost ACT Reading Score:
1. THE ACT IS LIMITED IN TIME — Choose Your Adventure:
You only have 35 minutes to complete the 40 questions on the ACT Reading Test. You must put your time where it will be most beneficial to achieve the highest reading grade possible. Always go in your order, tackling the portions that are easier for you first and saving the hardest for last. Give several Mock tests that reflect the timing and conditions of a standardised test. So that you can learn how to effectively manage your time.

2. Practise your ACT reading skills a lot:
Repeated practice exams are the greatest approach to figure out which categories you usually ace. Frequent practice over an extended period of time is the key to keeping all the test-taking techniques you are developing. Try to set aside two to three days every week for test preparation.

3. The ACT Loves Vocab — Strengthen Yours for a Higher Score!
One of the simplest methods to raise your writing and reading comprehension score is to learn new vocabulary. It can be enjoyable! A pack of flashcards or an app that teaches you a few words each day can be downloaded.
4. Find the best ACT Reading preparation resources:
Find the greatest and most appropriate study material to help you succeed on the ACT. Your ACT Reading score may go up if you have the right materials prepared. You can also invest in ACT study books too.
5. Read the Questions First:
Now, understand what you actually need to do on exam day. Reading actively means knowing in advance what you’re going to read. Therefore, glance over the questions before reading the passage. You won’t waste time on information that doesn’t exist in a question because you’ll be aware of the key details to look for.

6. Move forward:
Do not read something again if you didn’t understand it the first time. Simply keep moving and only stop to think about it if absolutely necessary. Don’t waste time focusing on that one issue and miss out on other questions.
7. Look for Transition Words:
Similar to traffic signs are transition words. They outline the path, point out a diversion, and then reroute you to follow the main idea.
8. Guess on Every Question You Don’t Know:
You most likely already know this one, but if not, you’re about to earn some serious points.
The ACT has no penalty for guessing. As a result, there is no excuse for you to leave any blanks on your answer sheet unfilled. Make sure that each blank question on the Reading portion has an answer before you complete it. There shouldn’t be any blank questions on your response sheet when you look at it. Just make the most accurate guess you can for each question you’re unsure of.
At least, guess if you have no idea! You still have a probability of 25% to get it right.

9. If You Don’t Know the Word, Don’t Worry:
In case you didn’t know the meaning of a word. Try to think of a replacement word. Then use the process of elimination in order to sort through the possible solutions. If you are unable to choose from three options, make a guess and move ahead.
Wrapping-Up: How to Raise Your Low ACT Reading Score:
These are the 9 tips I have for you to improve your ACT Reading score. If you get a 12, you can raise it to an 18. You can raise your score from 20 to 26 if you have 20. As long as you put in the necessary effort and study effectively utilizing the advice I’ve provided you above, I can assure you that your score will go up.