Grade: MYP 4
Unit: Mechanics
Key concept: Relationship
Related concept(s): Movement & Function
Global context: Orientation in space and time
SOI: Moving objects can be analysed to determine the relationship between their orientation in space and time.

Criteria A Task: Knowing and Understanding

Q.1 Identify the physical quantities based on their base units:

Sr.Quantity Unit
1Kg m/s
2Kg m2/s2
3Kg /m3
4Kg m2/s3

Q.2 Write the following as powers of ten with one figure before the decimal point

Q.3 Write these fractions as powers of ten:

Q.4 The pages of a book are numbered 1 to 200 and each leaf is 0.10 mm thick. If each cover is 0.20 mm thick, calculate is the thickness of the book?

Q.5 Classify the quantities as scalars or vectors, Mass, Force, Time, Acceleration, Work, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Weight, Gravity, momentum.

Scalar QuantitiesVector Quantities

Q.6 The distance travelled by light in 1 year is called 1 light year. It takes 5 years for light to reach earth from a star.
Given Data: Speed of light = 3 x 108m/s, time of 1 year = 3.1 x 107s Find distance of star from earth (i) in light years, (ii) in km.

Q.7 It takes 8.5 min for light to reach from the sun to earth surface. If speed of light is taken to be 3 x 108 m/s, Find the distance from the sun to the earth in km.

Q.8 A metal block measures 10 cm × 2 cm × 2 cm. What is its volume? How many blocks each 2 cm × 2 cm × 2 cm have the same total volume?

Q.9 How many blocks of ice cream each 10 cm × 10 cm × 4 cm can be stored in the compartment of a freezer measuring 40 cm × 40 cm × 20 cm?

Q.10 A Perspex container has a 6 cm square base and contains water to a height of 7 cm (Figure 1.13).

  1. Calculate is the volume of the water?
  2. A stone is lowered into the water so as to be completely covered and the water rises to a height of 9 cm. Find the volume of the stone?

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